Thursday, February 03, 2005


Wow that was easy

I wonder how many "Hi to my new Blogg" entries have ever been written. I am willing to be it is a huge percentage of all Blogg entries. Why would anyone want to read the rantings of any Tom, Dick or Harry on the Web. But here I am creating a Blogg. Lets hope that this entry does not represent a large percentage of my Blogg posts.

So who am I? Well lets start with the basics and the rest can come later.

I am a late 30 something male from Sydney Australia who works for a Bank in IT. Stop yawning ... if you are going to do that I'll stop writing ... stop laughing ... so it wasn't much of a threat but I am sure they will get better. I have 4 kids 2B 2G all under 12. I live in the burbs and have, as the title of my Blogg might suggest, a short attention span ... at times.

I was planning on using this Blogg not so much to rant my opinions but to point folks at things I have found/read that are within my interests. I have a bit of a fad compulsive personality so if I keep the Blogg up you are likely to see lots of variety in my posts over time but within a shorter period of time I will tend to obsess with a topic.

So there you go my first Blogg post. Next time I promise some content.

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